Welcome to
Bertha Ronzone Elementary School,
Ronzone is part of the ZOOM initiative. Through the ZOOM project we are able to offer Pre-K to all students living in our zone, full-day kindergarten, intersessions and tutoring opportunities, and many more exciting literacy services. Additionally, we have many supports in place and utilize various strategies to assist our English Language Learners. At Ronzone, all students Kindergarten through 5th grade are encouraged to read books of their choice and monitor their own progress through our customized Rocket Reader levels that excite and motivate them to continue reading. Every teacher and staff memeber strives to help create a positive environment where every student can learn and grow. Working collaboratively with you and your children, our goal is that every child will improve and grow socially, behaviorally, and academically.

(Online resources you can use year-round)
FREE Meals for Students
The CCSD Flyers below have information about free meals for children ages 2-18.
English Spanish CCSD Link: ccsd.nutrislice.com
Family Resources
A list of resources for families. Includes information about food, toys,
pets, health, Covid testing, and recognizing depression or anxiety.
Please click on this document for more information.
CCSD Summer Connections
CCSD has created the Summer Connections website with resources and activities for student learning at home. Please check out the link to summerconnections.ccsd.net for further information!

Safekey is a before-and/or after-school recreational enrichment program designed for children, age 5-11 attending kindergarten through fifth grades. The program follows the CCSD calendar and operates only on days that school is in session. Daily and weekly scheduled activities include physical fitness, nutritional education, arts and crafts, music and drama, reading time, games, special events, homework and tutoring assistance, literacy programming and nutritious afternoon snacks. Through the assistance of our sponsors, ReInvent Schools; Las Vegas, we are able to offer space free to the first 30 applicants.
Bicycle Safety Tips
Please check out the following documents for more information on how to keep our kids safe on the road.
School Zone Driving Tips
Please check out the following documents for more information on how to keep our kids safe on the road.